Maple Grove Wrestling Club

2024-2025 Wrestling Season


Welcome to the 2024-2025 Season Registration with the Maple Grove Wrestling Club!


2024-2025 Wrestling Info:

**Practice Nights are typically Mondays and Wednesdays** 

**Registration fee includes shirt and short for the season**


Team 1 (usually younger kids and less experienced kids)- 6:00-6:50p

Team 2 (usually older and more experienced kids)- 7:00-8:15p


First Session: Nov 11th- Jan 8th

Second Session: Jan 13th- Mar 12th


Full Season: Nov 11th-March 12th



1st Session: $110 + Optional $20 for MNUSA Card (typically $55).  For an additional $20 fee (optional), your wrestler will receive a USA Wrestling Membership Card (MN/USA Card).  This membership is only required when competing in any MN/USA Wrestling sanctioned tournaments which includes the end of season state tournament.  There are plenty of tournaments that do not require a MN/USA Wrestling membership as well throughout the season.   A MN/USA membership may also be purchased individually at a later date via the MNUSA website for $55.  MGWC will cover the remaining balance ($35) if the card is purchased at the time of registration.  


2nd Session: $95 


Both Sessions: $195 + Optional $20 for MNUSA Card (typically $55).  For an additional $20 fee (optional), your wrestler will receive a USA Wrestling Membership Card (MN/USA Card).  This membership is only required when competing in any MN/USA Wrestling sanctioned tournaments which includes the end of season state tournament.  There are plenty of tournaments that do not require a MN/USA Wrestling membership as well throughout the season.   A MN/USA membership may also be purchased individually at a later date via the MNUSA website for $55.  MGWC will cover the remaining balance ($35) if the card is purchased at the time of registration.

**Purchase of a MN/USA card is non-refundable. If you opt to purchase a USA Wrestling membership through the club, the entire $55 cost will not be refunded for any reason. **


Volunteer (DIBS) Hours: 4 volunteer hours will be required; you do have a $150 buyout option which waives the required hours.   PLEASE BRING A CHECK TO KICK-OFF MEETING (NOV 7TH) OR FIRST WEEK OF PRACTICE FOR $150.  ALL HOURS NOT COMPLETED BY END OF SEASON WILL HAVE CHECK CASHED.   IF HOURS ARE COMPLETED, CHECKS WILL BE SHREDDED AND NOT DEPOSITED. 



Please direct questions to:

Lynsey Seubert
